![PC Registry Cleaner](http://img.informer.com/icons/png/48/22/22204.png)
Nothing is more expensive than your own time, so when you work with your computer the last thing you want is the computer runnning slow or even freezing in the middle of a task. That's the kind of things that normally happen on Windows operative systems if you don't take much care about what you install on the PC and what you do with it. But, can you really take much care of your PC while you're working or playing? Do you even want to? Guess not.
In that case PC Registry Cleaner can help you out. It's a really nice and easy-to-use application wich purpose is exactly take care of your computer for you.
Its ability is basically to look up for errors in the system registry, kind of an important part of your system.
Its web browsing like interface, receives you with a welcome screen and four big buttons. The first button is the Welcome button and take you back to the welcome screen if you're not there. In this screen a three steps process is displayed and is all you have to do to get PC Registry Cleaner to work. Let's learn about these steps:
Step 1: You start selecting the categories you want PC Registry Cleaner to analize. Just to give you an idea of what categories are, let's name some: Critical registry check, System drivers plugin, Fonts plugin, Uninstall plugin and many more. In a checklist fashion, the screen shows you the categories for you to choose wich ones to analyze and wich ones don't. When you're done here, you go ahead to step 2.
Step 2: Here is where you get your analisys done. The application will start scanning your registry pretty fast and at the end will present the results to you. To finish, you go on to step 3.
Step 3: Finally it's the healing time. Depending on the scanning process results, PC Registry Cleaning will fix errors and get your PC to an optimal status.
Here comes a “heads up”, the trial version doesn't actually repair errors. So you can download and install the application, even you can scan the system for errors, but when the show time comes up you have to pay!! The list price for this product is 29,95 dollars but there is a sale on going that can make you save 10 dollars.
So, what are the three buttons of the Welcome screen that we have left? The second is the Repair System errors button wich trigger the same process described before except for the step 1.
The third button is Settings from where you can access four options: Start When System Boots up; Start Scan when PC Registry Cleaner Starts; Start Minimized in System Tray and Automatically Repair items. All unchecked by default.
The fourth and last button is Restore to undo repair modifications in case you need that.